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My rat has a lump

21 16:52:20

Silk\'s lump
Silk's lump  

Silk\'s lump again
Silk's lump again  
I have only found this lump nearly 2 weeks ago, I have tried contacting other rat experts but no-one is replying and I don't really want to take her to the vet until I think I know what the lump is, due to hearing about them getting the problem wrong in the first place.
My female is a albino dumbo rat, she was born on 25th February 2012. This lump is getting bigger quite quickly (although it might be just me) I have shaved her fur around the lump so it can be seen better. I have tried to but hot water on a flannel to see if a head comes up but she wont let me keep it on there long enough. She still acts the same and eats the same. She loves her cuddles and loves grooming me. I am worried about her though and I would really like some advice on what to do and what the lump is.

Hi Clare,
It maybe a cyst. The pictures are not very clear. But I don't think it's anything you need to take her to the vet for yet. It will probably become more clear what it is as time passes.

My website at on the Rat Info page has articles about tumors, abscesses and cysts you can read.