Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Pet Rats > my rat has a runny nose/sneezing

my rat has a runny nose/sneezing

21 17:24:38

QUESTION: my pet rat totti has a runny nose she is a brown rat and at night i hear her sneezing and she has red around her nose and white liquid sometimes comes out of  her nose

ANSWER: Sounds like she has a little bit of a respiratory infection. Do you have a vet you can take her to? Your vet needs to be skilled with exotics, particularly rats; and he or she will probably provide you with antibiotics in oral form, which need to be continued for the full dosage time (usually 10 days to 2 weeks). Good luck!

---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------

QUESTION: i have a vet in my suburb but they are not specified in exotics. is there a possibility that she will get better on her own? could i try putting her is the bathroom while theres steam? keeping her warm at night? is there a risk she may die from this?

Unfortunately the only thing she'll do on her own is stay the same or get worse. If she's super congested, a cold air humidifier will help, and in a pinch, a steamy bathroom may help, but warm air breeds bacteria and usually it isn't good for a long-time treatment. If she gets worse; yes, it's very possible she could die if this goes left untreated.. that could be a week down the road or six months, it depends on how severe her respiratory problem is.