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Rufus Foot

21 17:45:23

Hey Sandra!
Rufus' foot looked like it was starting to get better, the swelling was going down, the temperature of it was going back to normal and it was getting its normal colour back.
Tonight i noticed that the swelling was going up again, not as much as a few days ago, but still increasing a little bit. It's also starting to go a little bit purple again, but the temperature is still normal. I also see that he has a tiny sore on the inner part of his ankle, that is where it is swollen the most.
He is walking on it more then he was earlier and to make sure it wasn't infected, i dabbed a little bit of peroxide on it with a Q-tip and spread some polysporin across it. I will keep on putting the peroxide and the polysporin on it twice a day to keep it clean and i am also putting the warm rice bag on it before i clean it everyday.
Any ideas as to what i should do or what is happening to my poor little Roofy Rat?
Thank you for all your help with this!!

It sounds like he has an infection, which is not uncommon, esp with rat feet since they are not in the most hygienic of places.  The sore on the ankle and the fact it feels warmer to the touch than normal indicates inflammation and infection.

If only you could get him to stand in Epsom salt water (and prevent him from trying to lick it)
Does he hold still for the heat applications?