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baytril burn

21 17:21:18

QUESTION: i believe my male rat has baytril burn the injection site is scabbed and he also has a red cirle line around it.....he keeps scratching at it...what is done to treat this? what can i use to help him heal and to stop him scratching at it?

ANSWER: Ulceration/scabbing at the injection site is really quite common, and is the reason a lot of vets prefer doing oral baytril as opposed to injectable. Is he still on the injections? If not, over time, it should heal. If it begins to get worse, he should be looked at to rule out a secondary infection, otherwise over time it will recede and go away. :)

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QUESTION: yeah it was only the one injection he using neosporin to help it and saline and gona buy a wash. im using bandaid on the foot he keeps scratching at it with....he keeps ripping it off but i just keep putting more on. yeah im seeing how the treatment im doing goes for a couple days. the injection site is scabby and has puss but im hoping with the treatment it wont become a gaping abbcess.

ANSWER: Uck, it's pus-y already? Keep it cleaned up (I'd use a damp washcloth) and a thin coat of triple antibiotic ointment. Have you clipped his toenails? That may also help. You might want to temporarily switch his bedding (if he's on shavings or carefresh) to papertowels or fleece to keep it a bit cleaner as well.

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QUESTION: yeah it is but under the scab its pus-sy. do u know the name of any of the creams? ive heard neosporin is good and the one with the pain relief better to help him stop scratching. im using saline to keep it clean but its making him itchy and yeah ive replaced his litter and everything with paper towels. i was thinking also bout a wash for it maybe hibicleanse. what do u reckon?

Neosporin will work, and once the initial swelling/redness/pus is down/out, try to leave it alone and let it scab over. As for a cleaning solution, I'd use one part antibacterial soap (I'd use just a regular handsoap) to about 4 parts water, and if you have any epsom salts, you can add a teaspoon or so of that to the mix -- then use a soft cloth to clean it up. To kill the itch, just try to keep the neosporin on it, the moisture fromn the petroleum based will counteract the drying/healing itch.