Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Pet Rats > Pet Rat Rolling (like alligator roll) Uncontrollably

Pet Rat Rolling (like alligator roll) Uncontrollably

21 17:10:05

QUESTION: Dear Sandra,

This morning my girl, who is almost 2 years old, woke me up because she was rolling uncontrollably in her cage. I thought they were fighting but it almost looked like a seizure but it most resembled what an alligator would do when doing a death roll to kill prey (just like it).  The only way she would stop was if i forced her and petted her. This went on for about 15 minutes (mostly petting) but she would try to roll about 2 more times!

Eventually she stopped and laid in my lap for about 2 hours. I thought she was dying!!! I was going to put her to sleep but she starting acting normal...eating and moving. But she is very sedate...and just lays around (this just happened a few hours ago. I took her to the vet and said it could be an inner ear infection but she said she didn't see anything but heard a heart murmur and thought she may have heart disease. So, she is on doxy and baytril for now.

A brief history: in Oct she was breathing funny so she was taking baytril and doxy for two months but this did not stop her heavy breathing (no weezing though), then in Dec she had a benign tumor removed, and was on antibiotics for a few weeks, and now this!!!

Also, she has lost a lot of weight but eats normally (sometimes not right away). The weight has been like this since about Thanksgiving off and on but it's worst now.

Please help me! What can I do? I just spent $200 for not good advice!!!


ANSWER: For starters, I am so glad you didnt put your rat to sleep over an ear infection.  You need a new vet, by the way.  Your rat is displaying symptoms of an inner ear infection OR a pituitary tumor.  This has NOTHING to do with heart disease at all. Nothing.

The mere fact this vet ruled out an inner ear infection because she couldnt "see" anything made me laugh. What did she think  she was going to see way deep in the rats inner ear unless she had some magical tube she was going to look  through?  Hilarious.  Typical story of yet another clueless vet that needs to keep his or her hands off of rats.  Your lucky she didnt give your rat heart medication and kill her.  Please read my website, and first refer to the page on pituitary tumors so we can make sure this is not what she has, and next, read up on rats with head tilt and walking in circles.  

What is going on with your little girl since you were totally robbed of $200 which btw, make our next follow up private, let me know who you saw and I can get your money back for you, I promise!!   Anyhow, the rat has pressure on the vestibular cochlear nerve that control the rats balance. This is why she was off balance.  It can cause them to walk in circles, have head tilt and spin when they walk.  STEROIDS are NEEDED along with antibiotics *baytril is right to use* but if she underdosed her its worthless.  Another concern with unqualified vets!  How much does she weigh and what does is she on for the baytril?  With inner ear infections they usually can grasp objects with their front paws etc.... can she use her front paws?  Feeding her is KEY.  Let her lick baby food for food and moisture!  Let me know right away about her using her front paws!

---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------


She is back to normal actually. Since the attack she has been walking normal and eating normal. She has never displayed a head tilt or any indication of being off balance.  I feed her a mini pancake this morning and she definitely snatched it outta my hands with her front paws!!! She also jumps and cleans herself normally. Right now, in fact she is drinking some water.

But that incident where she was rolling (like rollover for a dog freakishly) in the alligator death roll was the scariest thing I've ever seen! It wasn't a circle motion nor has she ever walked in circles...

She weighs about 260 grams but usually, when she was healthy, weighed close to 300g.

Beside her heaving breathing, benign tumor (removed), and the crazy attack (where I thought she was dying), she also has a bruise like spot behind her ear.

I went to Dixie Trail in Raleigh and saw  Dr. McKinnish. I know they don't know much about rats but it's hard to find anyone that truly does!!! I just wanted medication, didn't know that waiting for 3 hours was an emergency visit?!?

Thank you so much Sandra for the advice!


You must have missed this clinic when you were looking for vets for your rats:

You are in a spot of NC where you have access to one of the best Vets in your area.  I used to see Dr.Griffin near Charlotte, who is the best vet in that area, and strictly exotics, but please refer to this clinic for proper help:

Avian and Exotic Animal Care PA
8711 Fidelity Blvd.
 Raleigh NC 27617
Phone:  919-844-9166

Please call and bring you little one in as soon as you can just to be sure and please let me know the diagnosis. Any Vet at the facility is qualified to see rats. They are strictly all Avian/exotics.