Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Pet Rats > now not drinking or eating at all

now not drinking or eating at all

21 17:19:32


QUESTION: hi Sandy
I have a ratty question for you if u have time.
I just had my 1 year old female spayed and a small lump removed from her lower abdomen. She wasn't doing too well when i got her home this afternoon and i ended up rushing her back for oxygen and a double check because she was so lethargic and it felt like she was barely breathing. She really looked like she was dying, unblinking, lifeless.Really scared the crap outta me! i thought she was going to die in my hand right there.

So i took her back to the vet and they gave her oxygen and a dose of theophyline. I brought her home and she's drinking and eating, But she's still shaky on her legs, wobbly, but can move around now, awkwardly.

My question is she is drinking alot. Is this ok? She seems to constantly be wanting water and will stay there drinking it until i offer her some food, or distract her. But if i left her alone she'll just keep drinking. It seems excessive but maybe is this normal after surgery? Is it harmful if she drinks too much?

she was on the table in surgery at about 930- 10amish, its 830 now.

She seems pretty rough and her stitches were bleeding a little. What is normal behavior for after surgery. I sent u this on facebook as well.

Jessica and meesha

Your rat should never have been sent home the same day as a spay. Spaying is invasive and one of the more risky surgeries rats have and sending them home the same day is not really the best choice on the vets part.

Body temps drop and they need to be kept warm after surgery, ideally, for at least 12 hrs afterwards.
         Normally they are kept sedated and quiet at the clinic since complications are more common the first 12 to 24 hours after surgery.

Also, please do not interfere with her drinking. Anesthesia dehydrates the rat and she needs to replenish her body by drinking. Trying to distract her from drinking  will interfere with this process.

It sounds as if she was still under the influence of the drugs she was given for surgery that caused some problems.  Did they check her for any internal bleeding?

I would have taken her to a place that is willing to keep her over night for observation. Hopefully she is on pain medication and antibiotics now and feeling better. Please let me know.

---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------

QUESTION: She has been on pain meds the whole time, There is no one at the vet clinic at night and the only 24 hr place around here is not rat knowledgable.
The vet told me to keep her warm so i have cranked the heat all the way in my apartment and put a rice warm bag under her fleece bed, the ones that u stick in the microwave and they retain heat. i keep rewarming it. I wish they would keep her overnight and observe her. That sounds like the best idea.
I haven't limited her water she has her bottle that she is going up to when she needs it. I was just concerned, wasn't she if it was harmful to drink too much, i figured it probably was a good sign.  
Anything extra i can do to help her? She has a bit of bleeding from a corner of the incision at the bottom. They gave me metacalm to give to her for the next 5 days, and she is on doxyclyine and theophyline already to keep a respiratory issue in check on a ongoing basis.
thank you for your quick reply, She really scared me when i brought her home.

ANSWER: Do you have a heating pad?  You can put that under one side of her cage where she is laying, on low, but it sounds like your doing good to keep her warm too.  

Is she eating? Is she up and around?  Is the bleeding red fresh blood or old darker blood?

---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------

QUESTION: Hi sandy
So my little mischa looked better this morning a little active but very sleepy. Now she isn't drinking or eating at all where yesterday she was gulping down food and drinking lots. I got her to talk her metaclam and doxy but she just won't take any water or food i give her by dropper.
Is this normal the second day? is she just feeling really crappy maybe? She has been sleeping all day getting up to take pees in the corner.
There has been no more bleeding and the incision looks good.  

I have a very good friend that is also my mentor standing by that is wonderful enough to help me when I feel like I am not able to come up with answers for people on here so I am going to write him and see what he says. He is awesome with rats and he has taught me alot as I have taught him. He just now read my article on my site about proper quarantine and said he was not really pushing his patients to quarantine rats till he read my we help each other.  He of course is the Vet and surgeon and would know more about complications that I may be missing. Hang tight....oh, and how is she today?  Any better? NO WORSE I hope.....