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Rat scabby and balding

21 17:17:13

QUESTION: I've got a six-month old silver fawn hooded female rat, and over the past few months she's lost almost all the fur on her stomach, arms and face. She's also covered in scabs and gets those red tears that are a sign of stress. I've tried almost everything; mite treatment, isolation (she has a cage mate but she, the sick one, is also the dominant and has been known to barber the other one), antibiotics, but she's still scratching and biting herself. I've switched her bedding on the instructions of the vet. There are no eczema treatments for rats so currently she's just on antibiotics. She's not unhappy or noticeable sad or down, just looks really mangy!
Is there anything you recommend? I know hair loss is common in silver fawns but is there anything I can do to make her feel more comfortable or stop her barbering herself so much? And will it do her damage in the long run?

ANSWER: What type of treatment did you use for mites?  Also, what type of diet does she get daily?

---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------

QUESTION: Hi again - thankyou so much for your help so far, my rat is looking much better after I switched her diet off protein; she's still covered in scabs and very bald though, poor little thing. Is there anything I can do to help promote hair regrowth and to speed up the healing process on the scabs? She hasn't opened any new ones recently, and her toenails are too short to do much damage. If she ever does open a new one I put Vaseline on it to protect it, is there anything else I can do?  

Stop with the vaseline. This only promotes bacterial growth. You can safely use neosporin but also use cortisone cream, found over the counter. This will help with itching. Did you read my website and my page about diets and high protein etc...and how this can cause this type of skin problem?   The website is

It may still be mites too...a combo of a diet high in protein and mites will cause a big mess. You can use revolution for the mites. Its about the only thing that really works fast and is very effective.