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weve added a new rat to the family

21 17:11:03

When I got her yesterday she pooped in my hand and it had a reddish tint to the whole thing. I don't believe it was blood because it looked almost like the reddish powder that was on the dried banana pieces in the food they were given. When we got home the stools are still reddish and a bit moister than they should be. Now here is my question: should I go get the dri-tail tablets and treat her, preventively? I just checked it again today and its not as red and not as moist. Should I still be conserned?

No, dont give her any kind of over the counter garbage or you will cause more harm than good.

It is normal for new rats to be scared and poop.  Its called (I know, it sounds funny) "Fear poop"

Also, just give her some puffed rice and dried oatmeal flakes to firm up stools.  She probably was on a lousy diet from the start at the pet store so once you get her off of the nasty seed mixes and give her the proper food she should be ok.  Also, check out my website, for information on proper care such as diet and housing and even how to train a scared rat.