Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Pet Rats > Female rat not drinking water & sneezing

Female rat not drinking water & sneezing

21 17:11:22

QUESTION: I just lost two of my pet rats ( I don't know what happened) but on the day they died they both were "gasping for air" ( this was on sunday), since then I disinfected both cages and put new litter and everything. I noticed that Bella, one of my younger rats has been sneezing and sleeping so much when usually she is active. I took her to the vet yesterday and he told me she does not have mycoplasmosis but something that started with an H, like Hemo something or another and gave me liquid bactrum, and a shot of baytrill. He also told me to give a dosage of the bactrum to my other rats. The thing is Bella is not drinking water, she is eating, the other rats are still drinking and eating. I did notice however that another rat started sneezing. I'm so scared I'm going to lose all my rats!! Please help!

ANSWER: Please call the Vet and ask them to spell what your rat has.  Its imporatant I know in order to help.  If your two rats died from this, I need to know the name.

---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------

QUESTION: Okay, I had to call and verify and this time he told me something completely different, however I did not ask for the spelling but he said all my rats have Mycoplasgyn Puemonia, he gave them all ( except bella who already had one) an injection in their leg muscle of baytril, and then gave me a vile with a dropper of Bactrim and told me to gave them all 1/3 dropper full twice daily for 4 more days then see if they are getting better..after that he didn't say anything so I guess I have to call when that happens.. :( my rats are hard to medicate ..they do NOT drink or lick it from the dropper. My rat Roxie looks exactly like one of the rats on your website named Holly. Mine is really squirmy and skiddish and squeaks everytime I pick her up or try to..she runs from  me alot but I always get her lol. Do you think this medicine will take care of them and I won't lose them? Also if I get two more long do I have to separate them so they won't get infected? Thanks so much :)



You need a new Vet, Farrin.    

All rats are born with mycoplasmosis, but it can cause respiratory infection when the rats immune system is compromised.

Baytril injections only last 24 hours.  That means the baytril is out of their system now.  Bactrim does NOTHING for the mycoplasma bacteria.  Mycoplasma bacteria has no cell wall and most antibiotics work to destroy the cell wall. The ONLY antibiotics that can destroy an organism without a cell wall is baytril, doxycyline, zithromax and a few others, but bactrim is NOT one of them.

As usualy, a vet that is clueless.  You do NOT have to keep the rats apart. In fact, this only causes stress for them and can lower their immune system further.   

Please let me know your location so I can find a better vet for you. I can also look up your current vet and check his or her credentials. I am positive this Vet is NOT a certified exotic vet.   A vet that is qualified to treat small exotic companion mammals would know how to properly treat mycoplasma pneumonia.

Please see my website, and refer to mycoplasmosis.  This will educate you as much as you need to know about this disease so you can see that your vet is not treating your rats properly.