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Baby rat care

21 17:28:16

My rat had babies about 2-3 weeks ago and I found the mother dead this morning. I need to know how I can try and help the babies survive because I've tried giving them water to keep them hydrated and I've tried giving them goat milk and I have lost 3 babies so far I REALLY need to know ASAP. Thank you so much.


Go to the link above and read about raising orphaned rats.  

I am sorry you lost the mother rat. Do you know what may have been wrong with her?

I do know one thing, STOP the goat milk NOW!  Its way to much for them as far as protein and fats go.  You need childrens soy formula or soy milk. You also need to stimulate their genitals to get them to urinate and defecate and you also need to keep them warm.  Again, the link above has vital info in detail.  They should be OK as long as you follow the instructions you will be given on caring for them. Good luck!