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My Dumbo Rat called Sugar

21 17:59:23

I have 2 dumbo rats Sugar and Spice and they are going to be 2 in august. Usually they come out and play every day and run around my sofa. The last few days Sugar has been extremely quiet and she slept in my arms last night for 30 mins. She has been clumsy in her cage and tonight she keeps laying on her back (scared me as I thought she had died). Is this just a sign of old age or something else? She also gets red (looks like blood)round her eyes. Spice usually cleans this off her though and it's not constant. She has been eating and drinking although she looks a little skinnier than usual.

I lost my last rat to a stroke and don't want to lose Sugar. Please help.


Well your rat is getting very old, but she may have some typ of infection, since she is unbalanced it could be an ear infection or respiratory infection. I would personally contact a vet and ask the vet if you could take your rat in to get looked at and see if you can get antibiotics that may really help your rat out.
Good luck and keep me posted.