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sick rat count.

21 17:48:44

QUESTION: Hi Sandra,
It's me again, Nibbles is hurting again, I think she is constipated,I haven't seen new poop since yesterday, I gave her some banana, and greens, and I keep pushing water.
Is there any thing else I can do to help her for immediate relief?


ANSWER: Hi Theresa

You can actually give rats a laxative but it is very dangerous to do if the rat truly is not constipated enough for it. It can cause severe watery diarrhea, malabsorption of nutrients and severe cramping.

You can give her watermelon....avoid banana as this can bind her up but the greens are ok.

What is she doing that makes you think she is hurting?

---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------

QUESTION: She is squeaking every time you touch her, and some times when she is moving by her self, and is wanting to stay huddled up. But I did get her to drink allot more and she did poop about 9 PM but it didn't seem to ease her any, and she seems up set when she pees I don't know if its because she usually goes in her potty and is not in it, or that is is hurting, I read that baytrl can cause crystals in their pee, and I skimped her meds. tonight I didn't want her in more pain, I will for sure give it to her in the morning.
Is there any other foods that she should eat while she is on this medication, so this won't do this again? And is it ok to give her diluted grater aid? We have a another rat should she be around her When she smells her she gets all excited but I didn't know If she should be by her? (they live in separate cages) . and I know this is out of the blue but my son, in the middle of April was in the hospital with a strep infection that was in his joints the were thinking rheumatic fever, but his symptoms were text book rat scratch fever, witch is a strain of strep I belive.(My doctor said that since my son had it in his throat, and he said the strain was different that it wouldn't be it.) Is that some thing that nibbles has? what are the symptoms in a rat and what is the cure for them, nothing I read has any info on the rats side of it. If you could let me know I would at least, not have to keep think of that any more. I am sorry this is long but I have all these question in my head I don't always think of them all at once.
Thank you so much for your help I really appreciate it. I just wish it was like a chat and it could be back and fourth instantly.
Thanks again

Was your son bitten by your rat?  Also, I myself have had rheumatic fever when I was a child and it started from a strep throat infection first that was hard to treat which in turn ended up into rheumatic fever. It also damaged my heart valves too.  

Sometimes when doctors find out someone has a pet rat they are so quick to blame the rat for something which is why I ask if the rat bit him or scratched him very deep?  Its not rat scratch fever it is rat bite fever but it is not real common at all.

If Nibbles had crystals in her urine she would have bloody urine too.

Also I was under the impression she had head tilt from an ear infection? This is caused by mycoplasmosis in most cases so this is what she has. It takes time to go away, especially the head tilt part of it.