Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Pet Rats > Help! My rat is rapidly loosing weight!

Help! My rat is rapidly loosing weight!

21 17:51:41

QUESTION: Hi, I need some help.  My rat Nicodemus (he's a 2 year old hairless rat) has been loosing weight over the last six months or so.  In the last few weeks his weight loss has seemed to speed up (you can see his ribs and his spine quite clearly now, it looks like he's starving).  He's gone from about 600 grams to 314 grams.  He's all skin and bones and is now having trouble with daily life.  I've been feeding him lots of higher calorie foods and yogurt and he is eating quite well. His cage mates always let him eat first and sometimes bring him treats if he doesn't come out to get the.   I just don't know what to do.  He seems to be in pain and he's been circling and falling off the side of the cage a lot.  I don't know if it's time to euthanize him or if there is something I can do, I just don't want him to suffer.  Thanks for your help.


ANSWER: Hi Tegan

Your rat has an inner ear infection from what it sounds like.  This causes them to walk in circles and lose their balance due to the pressure on the 8th cranial nerve that controls equilibrium.  When you say he is having trouble with daily life, is this due to the walking in circles?  
What foods are you feeding him?
Do you have an exotic vet you see and if not, let me know your zip code and I will find one for you. He needs antibiotcs for sure in order to kill the infection and also something for the inflammation such as steroids. He may also be having problems with his kidneys too. Is he drinking alot of water lately?

Please let me know the anwswers to the Questions above so I can further diagnose.

Hang in there, I dont think there is any reason to euthanize him since there is no doubt something going on that is treatable.  

Best regards


---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------

QUESTION: Hi Sandra,
The walking in circles only happens very rarely, but he does have quite a few falls.  His trouble with daily life is mostly due to the falls and he seems quite stiff.  He also seems to be in pain.  He gets yogurt, fresh veggies and fruit, scraps of cooked meat, and a mix of a few types of cereal, dried fruit, sunflower seeds, and lab blocks.  He doesn't seem to be drinking alot of water but it's hard to tell with his two cage mates.  Would an ear infection be causing his weight loss?  He's been gradually loosing weight for six months (although it seems to be more rapid now), but i've only seen him circling and falling in the last week.     Thanks,

Hi Tegan

No, the ear infection would not cause weight loss but I am thinking he has more than one issue going on.
Weight loss can be linked to many ailments, but with an aging male, it is usually one of a few things, namely kidney disease or heart disease.
Does he seem to see ok? Does he bump into anything?
You mention he seems to be in pain. What is he doing to make you think he may be in pain?