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about rat lochia (postpartum discharge)

21 17:30:10

Hi mam,
I would like to know that, for how many hours/days the bloody discharge voided by female rat after parturition. Can we go for rebreeding immediately?

Absolutely do not breed her again for a while.  This will be very dangerous for both her and her pups.  Her body needs time to recover so she will be strong enough to support another litter and able to nurse the litter she has now.

Weaning takes place about 4.5 weeks in order to separate males from females since the are sexually reproductive at 5 weeks.
The mother needs to recover from this plus get strong again to support another litter.  She needs at least 12 weeks after birth before she gets pregnant again.

As for postpartum bleeding, she should not bleed more than a few hours after the expulsion of the placenta. Any heavy bleeding or spotting dark or bright red blood may indicate a serious problem and needs a vets prompt attention.