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Finding a Vet

21 17:09:12

We have a female rat that is tilting her head and appears off. She doesn't seem to see as well as normal (takes longer to find treats we are holding even when right in front of her).  She is eating and drinking fine.  Can you recommend a vet in the Richardson/Dallas area?  I saw a post that suggested you had one you liked in the area.


12300 Inwood Rd Ste 102  Dallas, Tx 75244   (972) 387-4168   Fax (972) 490-0944

Try contacting the place above.   Sounds like it could be an inner ear infection, but it should be kept in mind that pituitary tumors mock inner ear infections.  Please see my site, and refer to the page on both pituitary tumors and also the page  on rats that are dizzy and have  head tilt, which can be from inner ear infection.   One sign of a PT is the lack of use of their forelimbs and they are unable to hold food and feed themselves.