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older rat very sleepy and hangs head over cage edges

21 17:09:12


You have helped me once before with my rattie Rocko, now I am worried about my other rat, Krommie.  He choked on a seed when we first got him, the vet removed all traces of it from his nose and lungs, but he has sneezed often since (this was over a year ago). He is a bigger boy and lately he has had a couple of falls fown his cage ramps, is very slow moving, sleeping alot and not grooming himself much at all, also hangs his little head over the level in his cage.  We do not have a rat specialist in my state, the closest one is a two hour aeroplane trip away. I am very worried as he is older and carrying weight, but will not eat rat food, only fresh fruit, veg and rice. I am not sure what I should do to help him and if these are just signs of old age or something worse?

thanks so much.

Check out my site, and refer to the pages on heart and lung disease. Compare the symptoms and let me know right away.  Also, you dont need a rat specialist to be honest if one isnt available. Just a vet that sees rats.  Where in Australia do you live?