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health concern

21 17:58:44

my rat squeeks has been fine since i bought her 8 months ago as a baby and showed no signs of a health problem. she was fine when i left this morning, when i returned she wasn't herself, not moving much and having labored breathing. she was also coughing up like an orangish fluid. i only feed her with rat food from the pet store and her cage is fairly large and clean. she also lives alone. any help on finding out whats wrong with her or how to make it stop would be greatly appreciated

Sounds like a genetic respitory infection known as myco. Most petshop rats carry it, and symptoms can develop any time if ever. She will need to see a vet and get anti biotics. If you use sawdust as litter this could be making the myco worse. Also, rats need company, they are healthier, happier and live longer, and arent meant to live alone.