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My 2 rats Sneez alot..

21 17:19:14

I got my 2 girls from Petsmart about 2 weeks ago id say there about 3-4 weeks old "i forgot to ask how old they were" there small there fancy rats they get about 6-8inch long when full grown we got them into the car and thats when they started sneezing alot there is no discharge from the nose or anything there both very energetic and seem very healthy they sneeze while in or out of the cage as well i use Kaytee Pro health rat food and the same brand bedding. i just don't know if its because they are happy and energetic or if its something in the house thats irritating there noses "we are smokers but we keep the door open when we smoke so its well ventilated in the house."

thanks for taking the time.

Please read my website on proper diet and bedding and also take a minute to read up on mycoplasmosis. This will help you better understand the way things work with rats and their lungs. Smoking in the same room or the room next to the rat will for sure allow the smoke to creep under the door and will irritate their lungs. I would keep them in a separate room from where you smoke.