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Pet Rat Lots of Blood Coming From Her Nose

21 17:45:37

I have a pet rat who is about 8 months old. She has been very healthy and active, no eating problems. She just started bleeding from her nose. Not the occasional reddish-brown "boogies", but bright, red, running blood. Her cage mate seems fine. Should I be concerned? What could have caused this? If it stops, should I still take her to a vet? She is a special member of our household, and we are very concerned.

If your sure it isnt porphryin, I would get her to the vet ASAP!

Sometimes porphyrin runs out just like blood and can be red as red can be, but it dried darker.   Even if it is porphyrin, I would still take her in because if its porphyrin, and there is that much, she is super stressed, and of course if its blood, something could be wrong.
If its blood, the cause can be anything from a broken blood vessel to nasal polyps or a sinus infection...its just too hard to say without an exam.

Do you have a good exotic vet for your rat? This is not really super common so a vet that knows about exotics is best.

Keep me posted or let me know if you need a vet and I can help you find one in your area.