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Hairless Rat Neuter/ Abscess

21 17:01:36


My hairless male rate, Liguardio, who is roughly 6 months old went in for a routine neuter and he healed up quickly.(He had the type of neuter where they enter from the scrotum sack, not the abdomen) 11 days after surgery, he got an abscess where his testicles once were. I got him to the vet and he gave me antibiotics. That abscess healed without coming to a head. Yay!

I thought all was well and then 7 days later another abscess appeared up in his stomach area, to the left of penis. Doc thought it was a tumor bc of location, but it turned out to be another abscess. Never felt so happy to hear "turns out your rat has another abscess" in my life. 9 days of antibiotics and took him back to make sure he was healing okay (this one got pretty big and eventually opened up.) He healed fine. Yay! Just for safe measure, the doc told me to keep him on his meds for this abscess for a total of 3 weeks(to make sure no other infections occur), which would be ending this Friday. The type of meds he is on is called "ciprofloxin" or something closely spelled like that. This abscess is completely gone as for a few days ago. No scab, fully healed.

This all brings me to what I suspect is yet ANOTHER abscess(while on daily meds)that I found tonight. This one is located on his lower stomach between his penis and where his testicles once were, slightly to the right. Really? Another abscess? All bc of a neuter that he got 6+ weeks ago?

I'm so worried about my little boy. He doesn't seem bothered by the abscesses, but sure hates the taste of the meds. Is it common for abscesses to keep on coming after a surgery? Will this stop? Does he have to stay on the meds? Is there anything I can do to discourage the abscesses from reoccurring?

I just want to put this past us, bc the poor little guy has gone through enough. All this bc the "expert" at the exotic pet store told me the baby companion rat I was getting for my boy was, in fact, a boy. Wrong! Now I have a girl rat named Ben (whom I love, just the same). Haha.

At any rate, I would really appreciate any and all knowledge you think I should have. I love Liguardio so much, it breaks my heart to put him through all of this. The vet, the surgery, the meds, the stress.

Thank you in advance,
Stephanie S.

ANSWER: I am sorry your rat is going through this. This, however, is one complication from a scrotal neuter.  I dont really want to blame the vet...but its hard for me to NOT blame him, either. I have little trust in vets, especially if I dont know them. I have dealt with many quacks and have helped many rat owners with their rats, trying to help clean up the mess that some vets make...sometimes I cant, as the outcome is death, with one case coming to mind of a vet that was spaying a rat and the rat died three days later because the quack took out the poor little girls KIDNEYS rather than her ovaries. This is a TRUE STORY. The vet was from PA. So its hard for me to not want to blame the vet at times.  I will give him the benefit of the doubt though since scrotal neuters do end up with some complications at times.

So that said.... Lets start with the name of the antibiotic that he is taking.  Second, never trust anyone that works at a pet store that claims to be an expert. Obviously, you have found that out the hard way but on the bright side, you have a little girl rat that you love too and you wouldnt change a thing...except the neutering complications.  How long after surgery did your rat come home from the vets? Do you remember if he had internal or external stitches?  Sometimes...they can be allergic to the stitches and this makes me have a few things going in my head about the recurring abscesses.  Let me know.

---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------

QUESTION: He is taking Ciprofloxacin (just checked the bottle). It's now been 3 weeks of continuous use. I'm not sure if he had internal stitches, but I know that he didn't have external stitches, just surgical glue. He came home directly after the surgery. I dropped him off at 8am and got him back at 2:30pm the very same day. He seemed like his normal self, just scared. Also, they didn't give him any antibiotics or pain meds with his release. It wasn't until I brought him in, 11 days later, that I got the antibiotics.

That story about the quack vet made my heart sink. I really hope my sweet little guy hasn't been in such irresponsible hands. I also read online that hairless are more prone to getting abscesses? Is that true?

Will this stop? Does he have to stay on the meds? Is there anything I can do to discourage the abscesses from reoccurring? I live in Las Vegas, NV. Have you heard of any great quality small animal vets out here? My friend recommended the one I am currently going to.

Thank you.

Well the first mistake is the vet did not give your rat antibiotics to take after a scrotal neuter. BIG BIG mistake as you have found out.   As for hairless rats being prone to abscesses....truth is all rats are, both furred and hairless. Hairless rats may be a bit more prone because they may scratch easier since they lack fur to protect their skin and the scratches may be deep and can sometimes abscess.  

As for vets, here is what I have for you in your areas  (LUCKY YOU! Living in Vegas! I have never been there before but sure would LOVE to visit!!)  

 Christine Kolmstetter  DVM
Caring Hands Animal Hospital
4601 N. Rancho Dr.
Las Vegas, NV
(702) 823-4000

Where did you go for your rats surgery?  You can make it private or write me on my email, sandyscrittercity@yah