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self barbering

21 17:47:29

could you please give me some ways to help stop my rat self barbering, she started with just her two front legs but now she has a bald spot on her side. she gets out everyday and lives with two other rats and there is plenty for her to play with or chew up.What can I do to help her stop?

Hi Michaela

If she has toys to keep her busy, gets alot of outside play time and has cagemates, that means the problem is not really from boredom and if she is doing it herself, it is not from another dominating rat. It sounds as if the problem is behavioral and probably is usually genetic.

Chances are if her family roots were traced, it would show it runs in the family. Unfortunately, if this is the case, there is not much you can really truly do to stop her. Sometimes an anti anxiety medication helps such as a daily dose of valium.

Be sure to observe the areas that she is barbering for signs of irritation or inflammation and if you notice that, apply a thin layer of hydrocortisone cream three times a day.