Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Pet Rats > Respiratory


21 17:47:29

What does mild respiratory sound like when you put your ear up to the rats chest? What does a healthy rat sound like when you do the same? Is there any way I could tell if a rat has it when there is not signs of the "red stuff" or puffed up fur, or sneezing. When I listen to the lungs I hear either nothing or a very light breathing noise (hard to describe), occasional light sneezing occurs daily, but sounds like it's from allergies. I will take it to the vet if recommended but I just want to know if there is any way you could tell if a rat has mild respiratory. Also how do vets check if a rat has it or not?

 A healthy rat should not make hardly any noise when listening to their breathing.  Any ratting, squeaking, or wheezing indicates a respiratory problem.

 Sneezing is often the first sign, but rats do sneeze several times a day normally, just like humans do.  Rats have very sensitive respiratory systems and dust, perfumes, incense, and other smells in the air can cause them to sneeze.  If they are the occasional dry sneeze I wouldn't worry about it, but if it is sneezing fits then that would be more cause for concern.

 If you don't see any porphyrin around the nose, the lungs sound normal, and there isn't excessive sneezing it is probably just fine.  If you are using pine or cedar bedding, it can cause sneezing, so switch it for something safer.  If you're worried you can always take your rat to the vet, though there isn't any 'test', really, they will just listen to the lungs with a stethoscope and may prescribe antibiotics if they feel the rat is ill.

 For now, if it was me, I would just leave him and monitor him carefully for any other signs of illness.  Sneezing is often normal, and if it is the only sign it's probably nothing.

 I hope that helps, good luck with your rat!