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possible head tilt in pet rat

21 17:47:28

QUESTION: I have a pet female rat, approxiamately 2 years old, not spayed, she has all the signs of head tilt ie. unable to stand, lying on side, rolls over unable to use front paws, one eye bulges more than other. She is still able to eat, not hard food, but porridge oats etc. She cant drink water, but is kept hydrated by cucumber, fruit etc. She is still producing good normal faeces and urinating. Another problem is that she has a dark green hardened vaginal discharge, that i am unable to clean for her, as it would probably need to be soaked, and i do not want to stress her by doing this. I have taken her to the vet (about a fortnight ago) who prescribed Baytril, 0.5 mils for 5 days through syringe orally. This has not helped in any way. He also gave her an injection, forgotten what it was, but when he did that she went downhill almost immediately ( she initially could stand although, walked in circles, since injection, she has been lying on side). The vaginal discharge was also there when i took her to the vet. She still tries to clean herself, yawns, stretches. It appears as though she is quite content. She also has porphyrin around her nose and eyes which i clean away.

I hope ive given you enough information. At present im just wondering if she will come round, or if this is just going to get worse. Also when this began, about 2 months ago, her balance was just off a bit, noticed she was unable to do her normal routine round the living room, ie jumping small gaps between furniture, then her fur looked rough and on end, walking in circles, vaginal discharge was last.

Any feedback will be greatly appreciated.

ANSWER: Your little girl is pretty sick but she needs a vet that is going to do the right thing for her.  Giving her just 5 days of baytril is ridiculous.  If it was going to work she should take it for an month not 5 days.

However, she does indeed have infection. That vaginal discharge that is green is serious infection. Anything that is green that is a discharge from the body means infection is present.  Is there an odor?

Please let me know about the odor and the vet.  I can find you a vet I just need to know your location!

Please get back to me for a follow up and I will explain to you about her head tilt and loss of balance. There is pressure on her 8th cranial nerve from somewhere, be it from the inner ear or elsewhere (the brain) so I need to go over a few things with you right away. We can make her more comfortable if anything but our goal is to get her better and with a different vet and other meds, it may just be a matter of a few changes.

---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------

QUESTION: The discharge has no odour, though this could be because it has hardened. Im in Belfast, Northern Ireland. Whether or not it could be related my friend recently bought pet mice, although they have not been in direct contact they do share the same space as in surfaces in the living room. They show no signs of illness all though one wheezes and my friend is looking into that. I remembered that the intial injection, was antibiotics of some sort.

p.s thanks for the quick response

Dr. Bairbre O'Malley
Bairbre O'Malley Veterinary Hospital    
Ronoc House Kilmantain Place
Bray Co. Wicklow
Phone:    01 2723857

Unfortunately, this is the only board certified exotic vet in Ireland that is a member of the AEMV. There are no other vets available. It would be worth the drive to see this wonderful vet though because your rat really has a serious problem that needs treated promptly or it could lead to more serious problems that could  prove fatal.