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Prevention of tumors

21 17:22:37

I have a one year old rat that is in good health and I want her to stay that way. If she gets a tumor I would have to put her down because I do not have $200. How do you prevent tumors?

Even if she gets a tumor you do not have to race and put her down.  It can take up to 8 months or longer before a tumor starts to cause problems with the rats quality of life.

The most common types of tumors are mammary tumors and they are prevented by having a female rat spayed before the age of 6 months of age.
Also a diet low in protein and fats are also found to prevent tumors. The seed mixes at pet stores contribute to tumors as well as obesity and the hard corn in these foods are known carcinogens (cancer causing agents)

Please read my website for info on tumors.