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Is Clavamox safe for rats?

21 17:22:37

Is Clavamox safe for rats?
It's amoxicillin trihydrate and clavulanate acid. Amoxicillin is what I need, but I don't know if the clavulanate acid is safe.
I *think* my rat has a respiratory infection. My grandmother refuses to let me take her to the vet even though I'd pay for it. So I got this stuff for free from a vet that comes to my work once a month. This stuff is used for treating cats and dogs, and he said it should be fine for my rat but he's not 100% sure. I also need to know what the dosage would be. The vet that gave it to me knows the dosages for cats and dogs, but not rats.

Yes its ok for rats.  Its rabbits that cannot have it.  However, many respiratory infections are caused by the mycoplasmosis bacterium and amoxil is not able to work on this type of bacteria.  If it is a secondary infection, it may help though.

How much does your rat weight and what is the strength of the amoxil? I cant tell you a dose unless I know how much the rat weighs etc....