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My rat started chirping

21 17:41:03

Hello!  My rat sometimes makes a chirping noise - she really sounds like a bird.  She seems happy in her cage when she makes this sound but someone said she might be sick!  Also, for the first time EVER - she nipped both my children today! Help!  Thank you.

Hi Susan

How long does the chirping noise last? Also, when someone suggested she is sick, she may not feel sick but may be having symptoms of an infection starting, usually a respiratory infection is what causes rats to make funny noises.

Sometimes though, they can have hiccups. Often, they sit in one place and "chirp" along with making rythmic, almost robotic like,movements while staying in one place. It lasts for a few seconds up to a few minutes and this is hiccups.  

Do you have a vet for your rat?  If not, I can help you find an exotic vet who can see her should she need medical attention.
When a rat is ill they do have a change in their behavior and they may even nip when they dont want to be disturbed.

What was going on when the rat nipped at the children? How old are the chidren and also the rat?