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broken front leg? not sure, worried

21 17:19:28

QUESTION: 2 days ago I noticed that my female rat 'Maple' was limping and not using her front right leg. She does not put it down or climb with it.. When she jumps down onto a chair she doesn't use it for balance either. I did not see her fall and i'm very very good with paying close attention to my rats when they are playing in my room, as i to play with them. During the first night when i getting into bed there was a lot of quicking and a big squeal that made me get up and look at the cage, it sounded like a painful cry, but everyone seemed to be fine (7 females in the one cage, sisters and mom) I like to keep the family of them together, i just feel that its right. I didn't notice any cuddling of her front leg in the morning, mind you i also wasn't looking but noticed when i took maple out to play that she was limping and i couldn't figure out why... She likes to climb and it probably the most energetic of them all. They have found a new toy (my little broom about 2 1/2 feet high that a couple of the ratties have fallen off of but seem to be gluttens for punishment when it comes to the toys they like. She is still full of energy when she plays. Probably even jumps higher now too, she seems happy and when i touch her leg and try to stretch it she doesn't make a noise but does pull away.. and she does not use her paw really. she can hold her food with the side of her paw but never puts her fingers around anything now... she is most definitely playing safe and not playing fighting with the girls. She looks sooo sad and i feel helpless. I love her soo much and i don't know what to do... help

A few days is all she needs to heal, and by limping, this is her way of nursing it back to its original state.  Normally I tell people to put the rat in a small cage with no ramps or levels to climb on and she will have no choice but  chill for a few days. Just 24 hours is usually enough time to heal. Rats heal fast due to their super fast metabolic rate. I bet by tomorrow she is fine. As long as there is no swelling or redness or bones protruding etc....its pretty safe to say its a sprain or she  twisted it.

---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------

QUESTION: Ok so i am pretty sure that it is a break i can feel that her front leg it not straight and i feel the edge of her bone on either side as well as a lot of swelling... my vet is not open until Tuesday. She uses it to eat  and was wrapping her fingers around her food today and touches the bars with her fingers , but doesn't climb with it... what should i do until i take her to the vet?

ANSWER: Can you take a photo of it?

---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------

QUESTION: This is a side view of maple... 2 days ago... i have videos of her limping as well..

It doesnt really look broken, and the fact she is using it even if she isnt using it to climb is a good sign, but of course without me seeing her its impossible to be certain.   As long as no bone is protruding etc...the vet may or may not have to set it. Some vets have to do surgery and add a stabilizing pin, but it doesnt seem to be a compound fracture or you would see a big chunk of bone poking through the skin.   They do cast them too, but usually the rat chews it off eventually.
Please send me the video if you can or the link to it so I can also see the way she walks and favors her paw etc...