Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Pet Rats > Vets


21 17:22:01

I read one of your Q/A for someone and saw that you know of a vet that treats rats in Centennial Colorado. Could you tell me who that is, I fear my Aspen might have mycoplasma, he definitely has some sort of respiratory ailment. No eye or nose discharge, but he is having some wheezing that has gotten worse in the last 2-3 days, especially while he is sleeping. Thank you.

Sure thing, here is what I have:

Homestead Animal Hospital    
6900 S. Holly Circle
Centennial CO 80112
Phone:    303-771-7350

This place below is real big on exotics, too.

The Animal Doctor  
1705 W. 10th Avenue
Broomfield CO 80020
Phone:    303-466-8888

Hope Aspen feels better soon!