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My Dumbo rat seems injured.

21 17:22:01

QUESTION: Hi, I have two rats and have had them for a few weeks now my dumbo rat (lanna) was my boyfriends before he gave her to me and she has a cage mate that is a rex rat (skidz) Anyways my question is, Lanna is acting odd, she drags her body using her front legs, and lays down with her back end twisted to the side. She has been really lethargic lately but her leg was fine yesterday. She has also been keeping closer to me when I have her out, then she usually is, if I move her a bit away she pulls herself back over to me, she wither drags herself or keeps her rear right paw lifted, also whenever skidz gets near her she squeals, I had to isolate them tonight but I'm not sure what to do.

ANSWER: It seems she has some neurological problem more than an injury.  How old is she?

It seems that she has one of the few things listed:

1. Stroke
2. Blood clot
3. Hind leg paralysis due to degeneration of the spine etc...
4. Injury to the spine from a fall

The hind leg paralysis is seen more often in older rats and it comes on gradually.
A stroke, also seen in older rats, but can occur at any age if it is genetic, comes on suddenly.

Do you know if she could have fallen and if so, how high do you think she fell?
You should isolate her anyhow tonight and keep her in a small cage where she wont try to climb etc...

Is she eating? Drinking?

She needs a vet right away though so she can be checked and given medications as per what the vet feels is ailing her.  Drugs from pain medications to something for inflammation like steroids or metacam can also be given by the vet to make her comfortable as well.  She should have x rays done to rule out any fractures.

If you need names of a good vet for rats please let me know your location and I will gladly give you some names.  No obligation of course.

---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------

QUESTION: She is about one years old, my cage doesn't have much for her to climb on or fall off so I have no idea how she could have fell, she seems better today and not dragging herself just limping slightly. She eats and drinks normally so I think she might be improving thank you very much for your advice.

Limping?  She may have twisted her leg somehow.  If she continues to improve, that is awesome news.  Sometimes a day of rest will help heal a twist or sprain.  The better news is that she is acting normal and eating and drinking.  Rats that are in pain or ill will not eat or drink unless coaxed, and sometimes even that doesnt help.

Please keep me posted on her progress!!