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Pet rat has black spots

21 17:26:29

I bought a rat two weeks ago and he seems perfectly healthy, but has black spots on his back and sides that concern me. The spots started as scabs that the store claimed occured from playful behavior before his purchase. Now the spots are large, raised, and multiplying! Is this contagious or safe? Should he see a vet?


I would not worry that the little guy has something you or family members could catch, but I really dont know what it could be without seeing a photo.  Can you take a photo of them ? You can attach here or send to my email at  If you want to attach a photo here, after your done with the message to me, you will see a spot  that says ATTACH photo and BROWSE.

If he needs a vet, he needs a good one.  Where are you located? Dont bother calling the pet store. They dont take them to the vets like the say and usually have them put to sleep rather than try to treat them. I have heard this occurs all the time and wanted to spare you any grief first.  Let me know where your located and I will give you some names of good vets for your rat!!