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lump on tummy

21 17:46:59

Hi  I was wondering if you could give me your opinion on this, my pet rat has very recently developed a lump on her tummy more her groin area between her right leg and teats it looks more like a pouch as opposed to a firm hard lump, she is 9 months old and is eating / drinking, weeing etc as normal and she is still as happy as ever to be held and play i am of course phoning the vet tommorow for their soonest available appointment but i am dreading a bad outcome she's my baby daft as that sounds so i'm hoping an praying this isnt anything serious .
thankyou so much

Hi Karen

Is there a scab on it? Try this...hold a warm compress on it with her laying still on it for a few minutes and give it a squeeze.

Let me know if pus comes out. I am thinking this is an abscess and will clear up nicely once the pus comes out and it is cleaned out with saline  solution or even warm clean water and antibiotic ointment can be packed into the crater  that remains once it is all expressed out of there.

Let me know right away!  You may not need  a vet   after all!