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Peanut butter issues

21 17:15:30

My rat, Gnarlia has eaten a small amount of peanut butter and i dont' know what to do. She is breathing but she is sitting still with her eyes partly closed and appears to be trying to dislodge the butter but i don't know what i can do to help her. Could you please help me

How is she acting? Is she gasping? Is she extending her neck out?  Peanut butter is so dangerous for rats... part of me wants to tell you to give her something to drink that she will lick up fast like koolaid or melted ice cream but I fear it will make things worse, but perhaps a trip to the ER vet is in order.  Do you know where one is that treats rats?  Are her feet blue or purple? Please check them and let me know. If the ansewr is Y ES, that means its an emergency for sure and that she cannot get any oxygen.