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Female Rats Wont Sit Still!

21 17:33:54

Hey Robin, We recently got 3 female dumbo rats. They're great fun and every time we play with them they are full of energy. We can never get them to chill out with us so cant relax with them on the sofa or laying down as They're always looking for places to go! Do you have any tips for getting them to calm down and just want to cuddle with us?

Many thanks!

Ben Edgson

 Female rats tend to be hyperactive by nature, some more than others, so it's pretty normal for them to be acting that way even as they get older.  Most females slow down a little bit around 4-6 months, so if they are still young they may calm down with time.  All you can really do is keep handling them and if you want them to be more cuddly try putting them in a hoodie pocket, on your shoulder, or in a carrying bag, somewhere that they can go where they can't run all over the place but is still on you so you can pet them.

 If they continue to be this way even to adulthood you may have to try to play with them in a different way.  Females that are active can be taught tricks more easily and are more likely to run in an exercise wheel or through a maze or obstacle course.  You could use their energy as an advantage and have fun watching them do neat things rather than just petting and cuddling them.

 I hope this helps answer your question, good luck with your rats!