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Dumbo Rat has Urinary Bleeding

21 17:36:49

I just bought a female Dumbo Rat (Lucy) from PetSmart 3 days ago. She's very energetic and curious. But she hasn't seemed to be eating as much as I believed she would but I guess that's from having a new home and different enviroment.  Though today I cleaned her cage and played with her and I noticed blood coming from her stool which was in the cage and on me whenever I picked her up and she let her droppings go on me. She's my first pet rat and only, and I've checked her for any scratches but she's fine. After reading the other questions I've come to think she has a UTI but how do you treat that for a rat? I know in humans you usually drink alot of cranberry juice and it's gone soon, I noticed someone else did that for there's. Should I try that? PetSmart said I could get a refund but I don't want one I want to keep her and have her healthy.

Hi Savannah

She needs to see a vet. UTI means urinary tract infection and that means she needs an antibiotic to kill the infection. Cranberry juice doesn't kill bacteria, real 100% top Quality cranberry juice produces hippuric acid in the urine.    

This in turn acidifies the urine and helps prevent bacteria from sticking to the walls of the bladder. This still doesn't kill the bacteria but it does help speed up recovery. Pushing fluids while being on medication also helps flush the bladder.
You will need a real exotic vet for this. She needs a urine culture to determine the type of organism causing the infection so the vet can give the appropriate antibiotics.   Let me know where your located and I will give you some names of good vets.