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Further Qu re Clovermead

21 17:23:02

Thanks for your help & clarification, all extremely reassuring
Yes the photo was helpful & I would say that the Pophyrin explanation is on the button. How come vets/pet shops don't state this..we have rat care books & fact sheets & no mention there either!
She is still passing blood in her urine a & it continues to be a lot. I will be able to contact our vet & try & obtain the appropriate meds. Until then would it be appropriate to increase the Baytril or vibravet?
Thanks again, we are very grateful for your time, information & accuracy.

I would give her the medication twice per day for now but be sure to let the vet know you did this.  I pray your vet knows NOT to depend on baytril to cure this and realized what medications she needs to vlear this up with
As for why vets and pet shops dont have the info I have provided? Mainly because half the vets that see rats have no business doing so and have little knowledge about rat ailments, only knowing the very basics about it.   Pet stores are even worse. Unless they have someone that is very knowledgeable about rats working there, most of their info is misinformed and downright dangerous. They push the terrible rat seed mix on the new rat owner not knowing this is the worst food you can give your rats. In fact its not food for rats, its more like food for birds. this is one reason rats dont live long: bad diets.