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how to care for a sphinx rat?

21 17:55:19

hi i live in the uk i have 13 normal rats i recently rescued a baby doe sphinx rat sheis 7 weeks old i have never keept these i understand thay need to be keept warm and things like that do u think a wire cage or a aquerium tank is better and i have read thay are prone to skin allergys/irritation is there a cream i can get to help provent it? and if u have any other advice that would be gr8

Hi Natalie

At first, I was taken back by the name of the the states they are simply called "Hairless rats" or even more comical, "nekkid" ratties!!  No matter what, they lack fur and so thats what were dealing with!
So here we go: How to care for your naked rattie 101! LOL!!

To answer your questions: Yes she should be kept in a WIRE cage only. I do not recommend tanks at all unless its to keep newborn rats contained so they don't fit through the bars for the mere fact that they have poor circulation and contribute to ammonia build up from urine which in turn causes chronic respiratory infections. They are just not suitable for any small mammal. Do you have her with other furred rats? That will help keep her warm during snuggling. You can also add warm and cozy sleeping hammocks that will keep her warm as well. Most of them are made from fleece which is perfect since the material doesn't fray and get caught on toes and paws .   Also, hairless rats lack a thymus gland  which means that they do not have a strong immune system so keeping them healthy especially through proper diet, is important.  They are not more prone to allergies anymore than furred rats are and often this is a result from high protein in the diet. Skin problems mainly appear because of dry skin and you can rub aloe or vitamin E lotion (hypoallergenic) if this should occur. You may notice more scratches on your hairless rat but its not that she is getting more, it is only because you can see them. If you shaved the fur off the furred rat they would have just as many scratches or bite marks from playing with other rats, too.  One thing hairless rats are is prone to problems with their eyes. They don't have the protection of hair around the eye to guard them from debris getting in. This can cause irritation to the eye and also infection. I see many hairless rats that have only one eye due to an eye infection. No worries, if this happens, they do adjust well. One of my rats had to have his eye removed surgically due to a nasty infection, but he was never even  bothered him or slowed him down for a second.  
SO there you have it...just a few things about hairless rats you should know in order to provide them with the best care possible.