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pet rat cyst

21 17:47:20

My daughters rat, Lucky, has developed what I think is a cyst under her neck.  I believe it's a cyst because you can move it around.  She is perfectly normal otherwise.  The cyst now is about the size of a radish.  She will be 2 years old around September.  Is there anything we can do?  Should we be worried?

ANSWER: Hi Tammy

It can be one of two things: an abscess or a mammary tumor. This area is one of the areas where mammary glands are found (under her neck).  
UNLESS you tell me she is spayed, that will perhaps change things a bit.

A few things...did it come out of the blue? Is there a hole or "crater" in the center? Is there a scab at all?

As far as being able to move it...both abscesses and mammary tumors can move about easily. When they are firmly attached is when the chances of it being cancerous are higher.

What you can do is hold a warm compress on it a few times a day the best you can. In another day or two, if its an abscess it will come to a head and burst OR get a scab which you can help it along by removing the scab and getting the funky gunk out for her.  IF it doesnt burst after a few days it is more than likely a mammary tumor and this should be removed by the vet.  They are easily removed and recovery is usually fine as long as the vet is experienced. She is NOT too old so dont let anyone tell you she is too old for surgery. A vet that says that is just scared to do it and this is their way of backing down without looking like he or she doesnt know what they are doing...they probably dont. ;)

If you want, you can read up on mammary tumors on my site (with photos of various tumors on ratties) and also if you need a vet and want to learn about how to find the right vet and WHY you need the right vet, I also have a page about that with a URL to the AEMV to help locate a vet that will take care of rats in your area, if you dont have one, that is.

If you decide to not remove it, you can find out what to expect to occur over time as the tumor grows and becomes vascular.

She is at the right age for mammary tumors unfortunately. These tumors are fueled by estrogen levels that start to rise after menopause usually after 18 months old.

Here are the URLS:
Mammary tumor info:

Vet Info:

Hope this helps and feel free to write if you have more questions!


---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------

QUESTION: This information helps a lot.  She has not been spayed to our knowledge.  We got her from Pet Smart, so I assume they didn't do it either.  The cyst did come up suddenly and seems to be growing.  How much could this surgery possibly cost?  That's another issue.  I would like to find out how to find a vet in our area.  Thanks again.

ANSWER: Check out the vet page on my website. There is a link to the AEMV and there you will find a vet in your area that is good with rats.

The cost depends on the vet mostly. Anywhere from $80 to $300 again, the vet is the one that calls the shots.  I can tell you that the gas they use that is the safest is about $50 to $60 and the rest is labor and that isnt much, esp if its an exotic vet. They fly through these things and the smaller the job the faster they are done. A general vet may charge more if it takes longer.  You cant go wrong with an exotic vet. they know what they are doing and wont waste your time, money or put your rats life on the line by guessing their way through things.

---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------

QUESTION: One last question.  Lucky has always had a little bladder control problem, but today when we took her out, instead of pee, it was a dark brown liquid.  She seems lethargic, but we've traveled almost 8 hours today.  I'm guessing the brown whatever isn't good?  What do you think is wrong?

Sounds like blood in her urine which can means a urinary tract infection!

She will need oral antibiotics now to get rid of it if that is what it is. It could be other things that I wont bother going into, but the more practical diagnosis with a happier outcome would be a urinary tract infection.