Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Pet Rats > Goku, The Sick Rat

Goku, The Sick Rat

21 17:51:33

QUESTION: It forced me to ask a new question.

I checked the Exp. on the medication, but there was none.  When I got it, he gave me extra for "In case it came back" (sneezing).  The doctor asked me to dose him .25 mls before, twice a day.

I just fed him some sugar water and shortly after he was a little more active.  He then had a poo, then went to rest again.  I will cointinue to make sure he gets more.

Also, I have taken it upon myself to clean the cage and remove all fleece hammocks - which a newer additions (2 weeks).

ANSWER: Hi Jason

I figured it would not let you do another follow up...thats ok, this is fine either way you reach me.

Its good news he perked up with some water. The medication probably isnt an elixir mix so thats why its still good. Go ahead and try to get him to take it...start him at .35 mls now and about 12 hrs later, go back down to .25mls twice a day.  If its nasty tasting, mix it with yogurt, ice cream or anything he will lick from your finger.
If you happen to have baby food handy, you can even see if he wants to lick that.
I would keep trying the sugar water would be surprised how sick a dehydrated rat can act and how much they perk up when they start getting fluids.

See how it does and of course if he is worse tomorrow, call the vet, but if he seems to be improving, thats even better! :)
Please keep me posted!

---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------

QUESTION: Dear Sandra,

The next day (Tuesday), Goku seemed as alert but just weaker.  We figured it was due to lack of nutrition and fluids.  So we fed him more water and mushed fruit.  He even started eating banana slowly on his own.

Today, he seemed even weaker and off ballance, so I called the vet and made an appointment as soon as possible.  The vet said he had severe abdominal pain and that his tiled head seemed to be nerological.  He also had a very fast heart rate, leaving the vet to believe he was in shock.

Goku was put to sleep this afternoon.  He was a very well behaved good little boy and he will be missed, very very much.

Although our actions were too little too late, i would like to thank you very much for you time.  You obviously care very much for the little guys.

Again, Thank you,

Oh.....I am so sorry, Jason. My heart goes out to you.  Its so hard to lose them and you did a great job nursing him and trying to get him well again.  

There are several things that cause head tilt and loss of balance:

1. Inner ear infection. The inflammation on the 8th cranial nerve causes the equilibrium to go off kilter, thus in turn causes head tilt, loss of balance and spinning or walking in circles. Sometimes the rat may even roll when they try to walk.  Course of treatment would be aggressive antibiotics and steroids for inflammation. Prognosis is good although head tilt takes longer to go away, sometimes months after treatment has stopped. Sometimes they are left with a mild head tilt but they can function just fine that way. Rats adjust easily to most situations.
***NOTE: Severe infection can travel to the brain and cause infection in the brain. Prognosis is poor in this case.

2. Stroke:It comes on as an acute attack and can show neurological problems right away, often including the use of their back legs.
Loss of balance is also common and sometimes one eye may appear to be protruding or they may seem uneven. Treatment consists of supportive nursing care and treating each symptom individually such as pain meds, etc... Prognosis: fair, depending on the amount of damage done the brain.

3. Abscess on brain due to infection. The rat often starts out as simply being lethargic, refuses to eat or drink and doesnt respond to much stimuli. Neurological signs may mimic that of inner ear infection and also stroke. No real way to diagnose this on a rat without running elaborate blood tests and xray of the skull may tell a tale, showing lesions on the brain or swelling of the brain.  I lost three rats to similair circumstances over the years. Aggressive antibiotic treatment and steroids plus narcotic pain medication.  Valium to prevent seizures. Prognosis is poor.

Anyhow, although none of the above really means much, but I do believe that your rat was NOT contagious and the other rats should be fine, just in case you were worried. Although I did not examine him, I am going by his symptoms etc...

Again, I am really sorry you lost him. I hope your heart heals fast.
