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Pet rat diet

21 17:43:20

Hey. I'm not sure what to feed my future rats that I am going to rescue. They are 4 males from the shelter and I'm not sure what to feed them. Cat food? Dog Food? Seed mix? Lab blocks? I'm a little worried to feed lab blocks because they just seem so boring. I mean, eating the same thing all the time? Doesnt sound fun. Any adivce? Thank you soo much!!!

Glad you asked! I have a page devoted to proper diet. You do not want to feed seed mixes. They are just no good no matter what. Cat food is too high in fats and proteins and is most dog foods, and its just as boring as lab blocks. However, making your own mix is best. Also, kudos to you for planning ahead and doing your homework before you even have the rats. This is what I like to see and you are displaying one of the qualities of being a responsible rat owner by educating yourself ahead of time!

Anyhow here is the URL to my site and the page about proper diet.
Let me know if you need any more advice. Glad to help!!