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Aforable Vets outside of San Francisco?

21 17:45:56

Hi there,
I read your Answer about rat vets in San Francisco and immediately called them to get a price range for having a tumor removed from an older rat of mine. It's smaller than a nickle and located in her left armpit.
Bay Area Bird Hospital quoted me around $300-$400 and the office of Dr. Jeffrey Bryon and Kelly Jenson start with a $60 evaluation and the surgery could range from $150-$300.
I've been to All Pets multiple times for any respiratory care for past rats but I always left with a bill nearing $150, so surgery there would cost me quite a bit.
Are these prices standard or is it a San Francisco thing? I'm willing to travel outside of San Francisco, even to Sacramento since I have a place I can stay there with my rat while she recuperates. After reading your tumor guide I also plan to get my two younger females fixed.

Thank you so very much for your time.

De.Debra Scheenstra    
PO Box 892
Novato CA 94948-0892
Phone:    415-893-1554

Have you heard of this vet that sees exotics? SHe even makes housecalls!

I only found two of the places you listed but not the office of Drs.Bryon and Jenson, which means they are not affiliates with the Association of exotic mammal vets.  Bay area bird hospital and Allpets are registered with them as is Dr.Scheenstra.

As for prices, they do vary to be honest. I think Bay area bird hospital is outrageous.  $150 to $300 isnt bad and the higher number is usually there in case there are complications etc...   
What I expect from my vet when my rat has surgery to be sure all is safe is the following:

Pre surgery blood work to check liver and heart etc...anything that anesthesia may not agree with.

Sevolflurane gas, but isoflurane is acceptable.

Narcotic pain medication the first 24 to 48 hours and will not accept only metacam for pain, as this is nothing more than another name for motrin or advil.

Over night stay or even two over night stays. It depends on the rat and if the rat is leaving the surgical site alone and if she is stable, eating and drinking and energetic.

Return visits FREE including stitches to be removed and any check up they need that pertains to specific operation. I dont care if there were complications and the rat has to go back one hundred times, it should be free of charge. The only time I will accept a charge is if they need to use anesthesia or we need different medications etc..
The visits that are involved in the surgery should be one hundred percent free!!

My second to last request is not always possible. Many vets do not keep the animal over night and alot of people want their rat home. The problem with that is: the animal should be kept still and extra warm for at least 24 hours post op.  They lose alot of body temp under anesthesia and this takes time to warm them up again.  Shock can set in if they dont and they remain groggy acting etc...
Also if they pick their stitches the first two days this could be a real problem. Finally, if there is bleeding or severe swelling this can be noted and cared for at the clinic rather than leave it up to the rat owner and have them race back to the clinic or elsewhere for treatment.

I pay anywhere from $150 to $250 or so for one or two tumors but if there are problems it goes up a bit more. My vet is strictly exotics and doesnt see dogs or cats etc...which keeps the cost down. Places that see all animals tend to cost more since they need to stock all kinds of stuff to accomodate all of the species they do treat.
The vets that DONT do this are the ones to steer clear of. This means your rat wont get the proper stuff made just for small mammals.  Like medication. I hate when a vet gives baytril tablets and makes you mash them in food.  This means they dont carry the proper liquid for rats or rather, they do but they dont know they can use the injectable baytril orally.  To do this, the vet simply mixes it with a yummy flavoring such as strawberry or grape and the rat sucks it right down.

I can go on and on....for those that want to know more, check out my website (link on profile)

hope this helps!
