Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Pet Rats > Medicine


21 17:06:28

My rat remy has overgrown teeth,so we are going to fix his teeth but we want to make him drowsy so it doesn't scare him too bad.What medicine should we give him and how much?

This is not something that you should do. This needs to be performed by a vet that is very qualified in treating rats. The rat can die easily if given the wrong and also the wrong dose of medication. Just to warn you, clipping their teeth is not an easy task. If you clip them back to far, they cannot eat. You can easily clip the tongue which in turn can make him bleed terribly. Also, over grown teeth is NOT normal for rats. Rats normally grind their own teeth just simply from bruxing and when they eat their food. Rats normally do not require their teeth to be filed down unless this is due to misalignment of the placement of their teeth. This is called malocclusion and it is a medical condition that is either congenital or from disease, such as an abscess or tumor.   Please seek attention from a professional vet and do not attempt this on your own.