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My babies bleeding:(

21 17:06:20

Ok, so 16 days ago i got two rats as a present from my uncle. They were so small that i could fit both of them into the palm of my hand at once. I noticed that the one was quite a lot bigger than the other and i just thought it was fat. I wasn't sure of their sexes yet. A week ago i found out that Devotchka (the fat one) gave birth to 5 babies. I didn't know until later that day. So i was still taking her out the cage to play with her as well as the other, Nibbles. Anyway, i didn't notice any bleeding or blood from Devotchka before or after birth. Today i saw Nibbles bleeding from down there, and i'm assuming that its a girl. But i'm not sure if she's pregnant, which is possible as both rats are from the same litter, or if she's. Nibbles is acting very strange and quiet compared to her normal very hyper self. Should i wait a few days to see if there are babies or should i be worried? Any help or advice would be much appreciated. This is my first time owning pet rats and i really love them.

Rats can get pregnant very very young. I would not really wait to see if there is a pregnancy, I would see a vet at once.  Since your new to rats, please see my site, to learn all you need to know about keeping rats happy and healthy.