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How do I introduce, safely, my new 7 week old

21 17:46:45

I have 6 other females, two ages 1 1/2, 2 ages 8 months, and 2 aged 5 months. I just got a 7 week old dumbo baby, last week and I'm not quite sure how to safely introduce the older ones to her. I DON'T want anyone to get hurt.
The older girls are rescues that I was fostering and have adopted now. The rest all came from Pet Stores, but they all came in pairs so I was not concerned with "rushing" the socialization, as they has company. But this little girl is alone. So I am concerned.

Congrats on your new baby. I look forward to hearing from you.

young babies are generally easily accepted by the populous because they're naturally submissive. I have very few issues introducing babies to adults. So, that being said, introduce the new baby the same way you would an adult - slowly, on neutral ground first. Then move them to a community cage that has been totally cleaned and rearranged. Try giving everyone a bath and a spritz of real vanilla if they seem to be overly dominant; and no blood = no foul!

They may bully her, but as long as they're not actually hurting her, let them work it out. All will be well in a matter of days. That being said, keep in mind quarantine rules - let the new baby finish a two week quarantine (if you've had her a week, wait another week before introducing her to the population) so that you can be sure everyone is germ-free!

Thanks for your congrats :)