Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Pet Rats > Emily Rattie

Emily Rattie

21 17:58:47

I came down this morning to find my 1 year old female rat had died in her sleep.  She was not her usual self last night, very sleepy and wouldnt come out of the cage,  but she has been like that before a few months back and snapped out of it in a day or so.  I have no idea what it could have been?  and I am worried that Pink, her sister will die now!

Apart from the fact I spent the whole morning in floods of tears, I am also worrying that that Pink, will become sad and lonely also! and whether I should look to get her a new companion, and if so, what kind of age should I introduce her too?

Many rats die young it is a fact of the species.  A rat is considered to be doing great if they reach 2. I would suggest getting Pink a companion right away. I would get 2 new kits, as then when pink goes you wont be in the same position having to get company for the one remaining.