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Lump under eye

21 17:23:47

QUESTION: So My rat BB, she's up there in age graying around the muzzel but overall  still spunky and sweet. She's been piddling in her cage and just sitting in it so her hiney is all wet when I take her out so I've been bathing her. Yewsterday she got a bath, today I came in to find a rather large chipmonk cheek lump under her eye. Doesnt seem to be affecting eye sight, no heat, and overall doesnt seem to bother her one bit. But one day she was fine the next day BAM there it was. I checked her mouth to see if she had anything in her cheeck but it was all clear. I've been reading your advice and such and I think it might be an abcess but its rather firm no scabbing sinking or hole. no discharge or heat from the area.She Just kinda looks like a chipmonk right now. Thanks for your time on behalf of BB and myself.

ANSWER: It sounds like an abscess since it came up so suddenly. I think in another day or two it will come to a head and burst.  See if you can hold a warm cloth on it even for a few minutes.  Can you take a photo of her so I can see where it is located?

You can attach it here with your message.

---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------

QUESTION: It was a cheek abscess took her to the vet today. But all they did was stick a needle in it and withdrew a sample of the pus she said that they did not lance it so BB's cheek is still swole up and she really lethargic not moving around much. could that be caused by them putting her under to take a sample. They gave me antibiotics to be administered twice a day for 14 days. She still not wanting to eat or drink much. Is there anything else I can do to help her?


Yeah, I had a feeling, which is why I asked for a photo. However, where did it originate from? Her mouth inside or inside the mouth?

Sometimes an abscess that involves the teeth or gums is stubborn and often a tooth needs removed which is permanent since rats only have one set of teeth. They do well though if it would need pulled.  
On the other and, it could  open up on her face and you will need to clean this out.  Is there a visible lump on her face or does her entire side of her face look swollen?

As I said before, you can hold a warm rag on the lump to help it open up and drain. This is what it needs to do, really, so she can have some relief.  I am going to assume no pain meds or anti-inflammatory drugs were used for her?   I hope so, since there are many different types rats can take safely.