Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Pet Rats > my rat has a tumor that has split open!

my rat has a tumor that has split open!

21 17:18:06

I have 4 pet rats, they are all female, they are not spayed. Two of them are a little over a year old, the others are a few months younger. The two older ones both have tumors on their abdominal regions. My oldest rat Minerva, has a tumor about the size of a golf ball. About a couple weeks ago I noticed a the skin blackened in a small region. About two days ago the skin tore and a small tumor with a root fell off. Her skin is split open, but she doesn't seem to be in any pain and the opening looks as if it is closing back up. I don't have money to have surgery done. My question is, if she's not in any pain and there are no signs of infection, should I have her put down or could it possibly get better? I am just really concerned she is suffering although she is not showing any signs of pain. And also what is the likely hood of this happening to my other rat (Aries) that also has a tumor? Aries also has small growths that look like warts on her ears, what could it be?

This is common with tumors. There is NO need to put her down at all.  I never suggest euthanasia unless the rat is not eating, not drinking, just laying around in pain and suffering immensely.  

The black you saw is necrotic tissue which means the tissue is dead. There are no nerve endings in dead tissue so this wont cause pain. In fact, often a doctor will cut this tissue with sterile instruments without anesthesia since there is no feeling there.  What will happen eventually is the tumor will cause her to lose weight because the tumor is feeding from her body.  Her vital organs start to fail and this is when you will know your rat has limited time left on this earth and you can make her comfortable as possible. Please read my webster, for info on tumors so you can better understand how they affect our rats. The bumps on her ears could be a form of mange or it can be from a fungus.  Can you send a photo of this for me and attach it on your follow up?