Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Pet Rats > Is my rat going to be ok

Is my rat going to be ok

21 17:47:15

QUESTION: 2 days ago i noticed that he was looking for for ware. I took him out of the cage and placed him on the floor, unusually he sat there still occasionally trying to move about but falling over alot. I also noticed that he felt lighter than usual,    i gave him some food to eat but he was unable to use his hands so i hand fed him. What's wrong with him??

ANSWER: Sounds like he has one of two things: An inner ear infection is one and the other could be something neurological.

What is going on is there is pressure on the nerve (the 8th cranial nerver) that controls the equilibrium and the inflammation from infection causes him to be off balance and walk in a circle, spin in a circel, fall or tip over, lean to the side (head tilt) and may involve losing the use of their front paws. He can recover if it is an inner ear infection but will not be able to get well unless he sees a vet and is put on the proper medication which would be baytril and steroids or metacam (steroids are more aggressive and should really be the one to use rather than metacam) The infection may be gone but the side effects linger a bit longer and may take a few weeks for the rat to gain his balance back, but eventually he will. However, if it is caused from a small tumor in the base of the brain, a pituatary adenoma, it will not get better but steroids can help keep him comfortable and help with some pressure.  You should continue to feed him while he is like use. I would use baby food and allow him to lick from your fingers and also be sure he can drink and aid him with a dropper or syringe

Here is more info on my site about it:

If you need a vet please let me know and I can help find one for you.

---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------

QUESTION: Thankyou for replying so promplty. I have visited the vets and they have said that he may have had a stroke and the problem is neurological. They have given him an injection of steroids and a weeks worth of anitibiotics. However, they say it is unlikely that he will recover. What could have caused this to happen in the first place??

Hi again

Was the vet you took the rats to a specialist in exotics?

I dont think it was fair to tell you he would not recover when chances are high he will. If you read my webpage about rats being off balance etc... does it pertain to your boy and is he acting the same?

He should be on steroids at least 10 days depending on what type of steroid he used, he should probably have it repeated. Often if vets are unaware of the effects of inner ear infections and they dont treat the rat correct, they dont recover thus in turn the vet believes it was indeed neurological and they put the rat to sleep when the real story is the rat has an inner ear infection and needed aggressive treatment with steroids and antibiotics,not one injection and a weeks worth of antibiotics. Your rat should be on antibiotics at least 21 full days.

Just dont give up! Continue to help him drink and eat if needed...but to be honest, I would look for another vet or better yet, let me know where your located and I will help find one for you!