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rat bleeding and sneezing

21 17:16:25

I'm not sure if you are back in business yet, but I saw some other questions posted a couple days ago so thought I'd try.
Do you remember me?  You helped save my rat Sniffy's life and turned me onto a great vet in Atlanta-Dr. Keith Contarino.
Anyways, since then I have moved to Az. with my two rats and am staying with a friend while I recover from Cancer.  As it turns out, her daughter has 3 rats of her own. All are females two are babies and the other is a 1.5 to 2 year old female.  She is the one I am writing about.  She was sneezing "wet" sneezes and rattling ever since I got here but the girl said she has always done that and it was probably allergies. I didn't think so but what could I do. Well, now, the little rat is bleeding from her vagina. She seems to have dropped a little weight but otherwise seems normal.  Could the two be related and what do you think is the reason?  I know mamary tumors can cause bleeding but I have heard genital myco can too.  Are the antibiotics the same for respiratory infections as genital myco? Should she start the babies on antibiotics as well? Vets out here are outrageous~70.00 just for an office visit.  We have an appt. for her for tomorrow but wanted to get your take on it too-I have come to trust you more than the vets!
I hope all is well with you and everything turned out ok with the family illness. Thanks for your consideration regarding our little rat Missy.
Kristin Provvidenti

Hi Kristen
Yes, I do remember helping you with with Sniffy :)

Giving my rats a drop of Benylyn helps me to determine if the rat is sneezing because of allergy or if the sneezing is Myco. If the sneezing stops it is just an allergy. Benylyn makes the rat sleepy, which can be unnerving but even an allergy can make a rat feel miserable.

"sneezing "wet" sneezes and rattling"
Yes these are signs of a Myco flare-up. Is there the red porphyrin secretion involved around her eyes and nose? A little? A lot?

The disease starts with dry sneezing but as it gets worse it progresses to wet sneezes that can now be spread to other rats should she sneeze on them. If their immune systems are strong enough they won't show any symptoms. And believe it or not it is more stressfull for all the rats involved if you should separate them. But keep your rat away from the mix. All rats carry the Mycoplasmosis pathogen in their nasal passage and lungs. They are born with it, and some rats can live their whole lives without a flare-up.

Because she is rattling the disease has either already destroyed her sinuses if the rattling is coming from her nasal cavity, or if it's coming from her chest, it means that the disease has spread to her lungs and this is pneumonia which is much harder to treat then it was when the pathogen was still in her nasal passage. The vaginal bleeding can also be genital Myco which means the disease is spreading through her body. I would really err on the side of caution and consider this is Myco, unless the vet determines otherwise. Both the Respiratory and Genital Myco are treated with the same antibiotics. The vet needs to understand that the antibiotic course has to be for at least 30 days. Short-term treatment, ie two weeks, only allows the bug to become resistant and harder to treat with subsequent flare-ups.

Check out the "RMCA's drug chart" for the recommended doses of Baytril and Doxycycline and/or Amoxycilline. Print this out and take it to the vet with you. Also print out the info you can find on the internet about "Mycoplasmosis in rats" for the vet.

No, do not start anyone else on antibiotics unless advised by your vet. If antibiotics are given to animals that do have a Myco flare-up the residing bug that is so far dormant, can become resistant to it. If anything, at the first sign of a flare-up, Amoxycilline is the drug of choice, going on to the stronger antibiotics if the Amoxy doesn't work. Your friend's rat needs the big gun antibiotics Baytril and Doxy to save her life.

You may also contact me at for ongoing help. Or you may join my group Holistarat at
