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Found Baby Rat

21 17:19:14

About a week ago we had a rain storm and the next morning I found a young rat barely moving in a puddle. I took it in and asked a vet tech friend what to feed it and it is now thriving. It is about the size of a mouse, it is eating my horses grain mixture and seems very healthy. Now what do I do with it?? Keeping it is not an option and I do not know how to find it a suitable home. It is very friendly and is so cute. After it tires itself out I will pet it and it just curls up in my hand and falls asleep. I've looked into a few rat rescues but have not heard back from anyone. After reading up on Hantavirus and I am coming down with a cold the wild rat aspect of it does make me a little nervous though this little guy seems clean and healthy. Any advice would be appreciated.

WHy not keep him?  I promise you, he has no viruses.  He was too small.  Now if he were an adult living in a pack and making their nest in dirty areas such as among garbage and human waste, thats another story.  This is a field rat. The fear of rats is very unnecessary but they have been given such a bad rap, its no wonder the public fear them.
Truth is,  They are cleaner than dogs and cats and even cleaner than humans hands. True, I promise.  I raised a wild rat that lived to be 4 years old. Best rat I ever had.  My rats are always litter box trained and spend more time grooming themselves and each other than my cats do.

If you release this rat he wont stand a chance in the wild now that he has had the human touch. He will die in days.  Are his eyes open?