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2 rats differents probs

21 17:58:01

He There, i own 2 female rats. Both are almost 2 years old. "Apples" our quiet rat has a very inflamed left eye, the whole eyelid above and undernieth blocking her vision, most days the inner of the lid full of blood. i know she is contributing to the bleeding but the swelling is getting worse. Is this common?
My other rat moodle became wheezy and sneezy a year ago. took her to the vet and was given antibiotics which did not help at all. since the visit her breathing over 6 month is the same and in that time she gradually grew a lump under her belly between front legs. Began aas soft, is now interfiering with her walking and has hardened.
i know about the risks of surgery and that it is her best option. do you know how much surgery of this kind costs and if its better to hav her put to sleep due to the risks? i don't like watching her struggle...

Hi Sarah

Lets start with Moodle. Sounds like she has chronic lung disease from the antibiotics not clearing up her infection. She could still benefit from antibiotics and the proper medications to help make breathing easier. As for the lump, this is classic mammary tissue that has turned into a mass that can easily be removed by a skilled Vet. The risks are not as high as they used to be with the use of safer anesthesia such as sevoflurane. I had a 3 year old rat operated on several months ago and she had two huge tumors removed and did fantastic and was under anesthesia for 90 minutes which is very long time for an elderly rat. Your rat is elderly but not old. Age is also not a disease, just a number. If the vet is good, the rat has a better chance of a good recovery. If you do not remove this lump, she will start to slowly become poisoned from this tumor which can cause sepsis and immediate death. I would rather chance the surgery than have her put to sleep.

Your other rat, Apples, has a massive infection of her eye. She needs medication or she may lose the eye totally. It may even start to come out of the socket on its own from inflammation which is painful and really, unnecessary, since medication should clear it up. If her vision is already damaged, the vet can remove the eye completely and she will still be able to function and have a happy life despite only having one eye.  I have a one eyed rat myself who is my most active rat in the colony and always the one causing the most trouble!

You need a good vet, however, and not the same vet that did not help your other rat recovery from her respiratory infection properly.  
I cannot quote you a price on any of this since each vet is different, but I can say that the mammary tumor surgery price can fall right around $100 to $200 depending on the Vet and the other rat, if she only needs an exam and medication, your looking under $100 unless she needs the eye removed which I am sure will not be the first thing the Vet does before trying medication first.
If you need help finding a good vet in your area please let me know and I will gladly help you to locate one.

